About me

My name is Francisco Portales, I was born in Malaga (Andalusia) in December 1963, and I have been living and working in Rotterdam since September 2007. I have my own business, freelance work as a professional practitioner of shiatsu. Member 93-121 of the European Shiatsu Netherlands section, a regular contributor each year of the Camera Japan Festival; some prominent places where I've worked: Circus School and Rotterdam School of Dance, also regularly organize courses and workshops in shiatsu.
I did my training in shiatsu in the Japan Shiatsu School in its delegation in Málaga.

The Japanese School of Shiatsu has its own place, not only in Spain but also in others countries, highlighting among the most prestigious schools in Europe, thanks to the work of master Shigeru Onoda, founder of the School and the Spanish Association of Sotai.

The Japanese School of Shiatsu is recognized and supported by the Japan Shiatsu College from Tokio, which is the country of origin of Shiatsu in the world.

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